Destined Rivals Booster Pack

Rendering loop-subscriptions

Scarlet & Violet—Destined Rivals will see the return of the popular Trainer’s Pokémon mechanic, but with a twist, introducing the infamous Team Rocket — a villainous organization in the Pokémon world — into the mix. Players can choose their allegiance by joining forces with heroic duos like Ethan and Ho-Oh ex or Cynthia and Garchomp ex, or they can embrace mischievous adventure by teaming up with Team Rocket and their Pokémon, such as Mewtwo ex, under Giovanni’s command.
In addition, players can discover the distinctive artwork of new Trainer’s Pokémon cards, showcasing the special bond shared between a skilled Pokémon Trainer and their Pokémon, with each card featuring the Trainer’s name.
Noteworthy cards from Scarlet & Violet—Destined Rivals include:

  • 83 new cards tagged as Team Rocket's
  • 17 Pokémon ex, including 10 Trainer's Pokémon ex
  • 23 illustration rare Pokémon
  • 11 special illustration rare Pokémon
  • Six hyper rare gold-etched cards

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